Streetview Orienteering – Limerick

This week’s activity for Scouts is a Street View Orienteering course (based on the Tulla course we did a couple of weeks back). Thanks to Eoghan for putting this together.

Getting Started

Load up Google Maps and search for “Limerick” and open Streetview,-8.6312691,3a,75y,152.03h,84.1t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sPBqF5enkHVvKlBxgIE1OVw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

Use the map below to guide your way around Limerick and answer the questions at the bottom of this page.


Click here for PDF


  1. How many traffic lights are at the cross roads.
    a. 10 b. 9 c. 6
  2. What year is on the statue on the right.
    a. 1915 b. 1917 c.1916
  3. How many pints of Guinness are on the wall of the pub.
    a. 5 b. 8 c. 6
  4. How many flags are hanging from the Savoy.
    a. 12 b. 5 c. 3
  5. Outside Savins, what is their motto Audio – Video – __.
    a. Power b. Party c. Control
  6. How much does a summer sizzler cost from Supermacs.
    a. 22.50 b. 14.50 c. 19.95
  7. Quarter to two is on the Penny’s clock
    a. True b. False
  8. What road should you take to travel to Killaloe (on right)
    a. M50 northbound b. N253 c. R463
  9. What is an absolutely fab event (on sign outside the old Tourist Office)
    a. Abbey Lane b. Rubber bandits c. Peppa Pig the musical
  10. What phone network is advertised on the bus stop shelter
    a. Three b. Vodaphone c. Eir

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