The Discovery Award is the first award you can earn in the Scout Section. It takes about three months to earn. After earning the Discovery Award, a Scout makes their promise and becomes a full member of the Scout Troop. Your Patrol Leader and the other members of your Patrol will help you earn this Award.
Next up is the Terra Nova Award
Discovery Award Criteria
There are four sections to the Award – Yourself, Patrol and Troop Involvement, Community and Skills
Section 1 – Yourself
Badges and SPICES
- Find out what is involved in the various badges you can earn during your time in Scouts
- Show that you understand what is involved in each one of the SPICES
- Own a Scout Uniform and know how to wear it correctly
Promise & Law
- Gain an understanding of the Scout Promise & Law
- Explain what the Promise & Law mean to you
Scouting Knowledge
- Know and explain the Scout Motto
- Know a little about the history of Scouting
- Demonstrate & understand the Scout Handshake
- Demonstrate & understand the Scout Sign/Salute
Section 2 – Patrol and Troop
Patrol System
Patrol and Troop Activity
- Participate in one Patrol Activity
- Participate in one Troop Activity
Section 3 – Community
The Environment
The Community
Section 4 – Skills
Adventure Skills
- Attempt a new skills stage from three different Adventure Skills